Mahdi Youth Commemorates Muharram

Mahdi Youth Society would like to thank each and every attendee for their participation in our Ayyam-e-Aza for the first 10 nights of Muharram 2022.
This year, we were honoured to host Maulana Ali Eslami who enlightened us on the topic of Trials & Tribulations.

We were delighted to have a massive amount of support from the community through volunteers, donors, reciters and our regular attendees. We look forward to seeing your support in our upcoming initiatives inshAllah!

MY March Madness – CANCELLED

Salaam Alaikum,

Unfortunately we will be cancelling our March Madness events due to the COVID-19 Virus. We want to make sure we are taking all possible precautionary measures in order to minimize the chances of the virus spreading. We would like to remind all community members to stay safe by taking all necessary precautions. We will keep you all updated on possible future online events.

May Allah (SW) protect us all.